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What to do when it's c-c-cold?

Ponies in a cold winter storm stay warm.
HAY! More hay , please!

Kids that blog about ponies
Alta blogging

It's c-c-cold here and I'm blogging today! Because I'm not going to ride in frigid temps. Why?

Stay warm! Here are some things to try to keep your pony/horse warm.

1. Make sure your pony/horse has extra hay

so they can keep warm.

2. Make sure there water isn’t ice.

3. Make sure you pony/horse has a blanket fit for the occasion.

4. Maybe give your pony/horse some mash - my pony will die for this stuff ~he loves it! Maybe your pony/horse will love it to?

5. Remember to give them lots of kisses L.O.L that keeps their noses warm!

6. Don’t forget to LOVE & SUPPORT them all the time!

Alta, age 8

Chief Blogger

A word from Mom: It was -15 degrees here in Massachusetts last night and we were at the barn late afternoon making sure that Jackson was ready to hunker down. Alta checked his water, groomed him, secured his heavy-weight blanket, made sure he had enough hay (extra), and made him a warm mash. Freezing temps are no joke for any animal, but especially one that has been clipped and needs some extra consideration!

Want to know what to do and what questions to ask and how you can help secure your pony or horse for freezing temps? Read Alta's suggestions, and you can also read the following:

As days get shorter and the weather becomes cold and wet, there are many things to consider in order to maintain horse health and well-being throughout the long winter months. This fact sheet addresses the most common concerns regarding equine housing, health maintenance, nutrition and exercise in cold weather:

Cold Weather Horse Care: What do horses really need to avoid winter health problems?

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