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Over The Jump We Go! Relax, mom...inVEST in the process!

Here is the post that my daughter (age 8) wrote for you all.

Have you ever gone over a jump before? It sometimes can be scary, trust me I know.

Step 1. Go straight to and from the jump.

2. Get in your half-seat over the jump.

3. You pony/horse is always asking you questions like how fast can go or am I jumping, when you tell them.


5. Make every jump worth 100%.

6. Talk to them! If you follow these 6 rules… someday you will be the greatest jumper EVER!

If only it were that simple, right? And I say "Relax, mom..." but really what is meant is "Try to stay calm, any caregiver!" As your kid heads for the jump on a giant animal that may or may NOT want to go over that jump.

You can stay a little more "relaxed" when your kids start to jump if you inVEST in the process.

Buy the kid a safety vest.

How Can We Make This As Safe As Possible?

Even the very best of riders can find themselves in unpredictable situations- it happens. Over the past 15 years, the equine industry has made great efforts to improve technology and safety standards to ensure that our sport is up to date and operating at the highest safety protocol.

Let's look at two kinds of safety vests...


Body protectors have been around the longest of all of the safety vests. A classic body protector is made up of a variety of materials depending on the style and is designed to absorb the impact and reduce the energy that will impact internal organs during a fall and reduce the chance of sharp projectiles entering the vests. Mindful of lawsuits, companies are careful about not overpromising what a vest can do.

AIR VEST ($$$ - $$$$)

The Air Vest is the newest type of safety vest. These were originally designed for motorcycle riders to provide some protection and then brought to the equestrian industry. These vests have a removable air cartridge embedded in the vest with a lanyard that is attached from the vest to the “D” located near the stirrup bar. In the event that the rider parts with the horse, the lanyard will deploy the airbag, with most air vests fully inflating in under .2 seconds.

There are a TON of opinions out there on vests for kids, and there are things to consider like fit (some fit different body types better than others) and height and weight of your child (airvests are dangerous for kids under a certain weight and size - kind of like airbags!) .

Here are a few different scenarios and what you should take a look at purchasing:

Young/new rider, nervous parent; Do yourself a favor and buy the Tipperary Ride-Lite Youth Vest. I have owned two now, buying new ones when she grows out of them, and for her level I have been VERY pleased with the peace of mind, and protection. They come in some fun colors too!

Moving on up! Jesus take the reins; A little more adventure, some cross-country, maybe a hunter pace, and some higher jumping. Tipperary Children's Eventer Pro. I am NOT endorsed by Tipperary...I just like their products! They work, they are relatively easy on the budget, and easy to order and try on at local Smartpak and Dover shops.

In the Hunter/Jumper ring...Soon! Jumping, jumping! Try the Freejump Airbag They offer kids sizing, are highly rated, and look great in the ring! Also, they have a list of compatible garments!

Jackets compatible with the Freejump Airbag are labeled “FREEJUMP AIRBAG TECHNOLOGY – COMPATIBLE JACKET”.

Compatible clothing collections:





Are there more than these out there? Yes.

Can you make yourself crazy looking at them all? Yes.

I have listed the ones that I trust on my daughter, and that I have consulted with trainers on or have seen the professionals use and trust on their own children. Also, for the price-points, these are great places to start!

These vests are NO GUARENTEE your child won't get hurt, but let's mitigate the risk a little...shall we?

My daughter in the middle with the pink pad and Tipperary Ride-Lite Youth Vest in blue practicing some cross-country jumping with Pony Club.

My daughter back from a successful lesson, and me feeling a little better knowing she had her vest on!

Story: I met a dad over the summer that made his daughter wear her airvest ALL THE TIME. She wore it when she was at the barn, when she rode, and was not allowed to take it off till she got in the car. Now, we all have our safety rules, I make my daughter wear her helmet all the time - even when tacking up, but I wasn't sure about the logic behind his rule. But, the part I failed to understand at the time was that it made HIM feel better and helped him feel in control of her safety while participating in a sport that made him a nervous guardian. Cheers, dad! I feel ya.

What are YOUR kids wearing?


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