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Mom, a.k.a., The Groom: My Horse Show Packing List

If most of you show moms are like me, your involved...Like, involved in the way that while we have the time, energy, and money (do we?) to participate in this sport with our kids, we are not at the threshold where we can pick out a beautiful outfit and gorgeous sun hat and just "show up." We are the early risers, the car got packed the night before planners, and the coffee better be strong this morning hustlers- out the door!

In these times I have come to be a connoisseur of the horse show packing lists- some too lengthy, some not very thorough, and some too damn hard to download and they don't format well when you print! So annoying for anyone like myself that gets great satisfaction checking-off the boxes.

Know this: When it comes to horse shows, preparation is half the battle. It’s important to make sure you don’t leave any of your—or your pony’s—essentials at home. While your specific horse show packing list will vary depending on your discipline, the type of competition, and the classes that you’re entering, there are a number of things that are universal: like grooming brushes, helmet, saddle pads.

Tip: For the Horse Show Office - Always have this paperwork handy if your trainer does not handle it for you - and it's just good to have if you own, lease, borrow a pony. I keep mine printed out (a few copies in case I have to send them in or hand them over) and in a plastic binder with sleeves. Having this paperwork is also great to have when you go to a clinic, or truck in to another barn for a specialty lesson. – Proof of negative coggins – Horse health certificate – Registration papers – Membership papers (USHJA, USEF, Pony Club, etc)

Here is the list I like to use: DOWNLOAD FULL VERSION HERE

Some of these things you will not need, unless you go it alone without your trainer and barn mates. I have never brought a wheelbarrow, but I appreciate the thought and sometimes it opens up the conversation about just WHO is in charge of poop and where it should go?

I have highlighted the items I personally pack and check off for a 1 day show in yellow.

Green are questions for your barn crew or trainer.

For the Feed Stall

– Hay – Hay nets – Grain – Supplements

For the Rider

– Boots – Belt – Helmet – Gloves – Spurs – Rain gear – Show shirt – Show jacket – Small mirror – First aid kit – Sunscreen – Lint roller – Small sewing kit – Snacks – Boot polish or boot cleaning kit – Safety vest, if needed – Breeches (a spare pair or two is always a good idea!) – Hair accessories (Hair net, spare hair ties, bobby pins)

For the Grooming Box

– Body brushes – Curry comb – Hoof pick – Mane and tail brush – Mane comb – Detangler – Waterless shampoo/spot remover – Hoof dressing or polish – Baby powder or corn starch – Fly spray – Scissors – Baby wipes – Clippers – Spray-on conditioner or shine enhancer – Seam ripper for removing braids – Lots of towels

For the Wash Rack

– Shampoo – Sweat scraper – Sponges or scrubbers – Towels – Bucket designated for washing – Liniment

For the Stalls

– Bedding – Duct tape – Pliers – Zip ties – Safety release clip – Double-ended snaps – Water buckets – Feed bucket(s) – Hammer – Staple gun – Screwdriver – Bailing twine – Cross ties – Tack hooks – Saddle racks – Pitchfork – Hose – Broom – Rake – Wheelbarrow – Extension cords – Locks – Spare batteries – Fans – Step stool – Dry erase board and markers – Trash bags

For the Horse – Saddle – Girth – Schooling saddle pads – Show saddle pads – Bridle(s) – Schooling boots – Ear plugs – Ear bonnets – Cooler – Scrim sheet – Blankets, as needed – Halter – Polo wraps – Lunge line and lunge whip – Martingale – Studs and stud removal kit – Ice boots – Tack soap and sponge – Poultice and poultice paper – Safety pins for attaching numbers to saddle pads

Funny story from Mom - I asked my daughter to just remember ONE THING - her show pad. I packed everything else for the day, made all the snacks and lunch items, got up at 4:30am, and managed to get her in the car and on the road to the barn to meet transport with three minutes to spare...She left the pad on the porch. Bottom line: Check the box on this list as you PUT IT IN THE CAR, along with the kid.

Picture of my daughter who had ONE JOB and the saddle pad we had to go back for. It was a good show day!

See you out there!


Have anything to add to this list? Share it with us all! Funny story? Share that too. Got a picture to go along with it - Even better!


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