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Barn Etiquette

A few things to keep in mind and to keep you busy at the barn. And this is just the short list! Can you add to it?

Hay, hay! Post a photo in the thread about these barn etiquette tips and we'll post it on Instagram with the hashtags #barnetiquette #pitchin and tag you!

1.) If you turn it on, turn it off when you are finished. Do you know how much it costs to light up that indoor arena? WAY more than it needs to if you accidentally leave the lights on overnight.

TIP: Rising costs on everything from feed, to services have equestrian facilities recalculating board prices and their service prices...Help keep costs down! As best you can, shut of the lights and close the door.

2.) If your horse poops, clean it up! Heck, if you see any poop, PICK IT UP! #pitchin

My son helping my daughter empty the muck bucket from the indoor ring

​3.) If you borrow someone else's equipment, clean it and give it back to them in better condition.

Borrow a lot? Have these handy and you'll save time AND be that awesome person that borrows well. Image is a link.

4.) I don't care if you used it or not, if you see something sitting out where it doesn't belong, put it away.

TIP: We have lockers and one especially that serves as a catch-all for items left out. Ask about where you can put wayward equipment and help everyone by keeping the facility clutter-free.

5.) Be early! To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is unacceptable.

Have respect for the time it takes to prepare for your lesson or ride time. No one likes to feel rushed, and neither do horses and ponies!

6.) Take care of your horse before taking care of yourself after a ride. Don't wander off with your horse sitting on the cross-ties still tacked up. Never.

My daughter making sure Jackson was EXTRA happy while untacking at a different facility for Pony Club

Story: At a multi-day horse show, one of the riders left her horse tacked-up in a temp. stall to grab a drink...The horse decided to roll! IN HER INSTRUCTORS VERY EXPENSIVE SADDLE!

The rest of the story goes without saying.

​7.) If a pony looks distressed or odd, say something! Management might already know, but you might catch something new or something that perhaps went unnoticed.

8.) Ask a pony's owner if they can have a treat before you shove your hand in their face. Some horses don't get many treats because they get pushy, some are allergic, and some could have a medical condition. Always ask!

9.) If a gate is closed when you use it, close it behind you. The last thing anyone needs is to go chasing a herd of horses down the road.

10.) If you bring guests to the barn you are responsible to make sure they behave in a proper way around the horses.

TIP: Most barns ask that ALL VISITORS fill out a waiver. Ask about "paperwork" beforehand and make sure you can sign as a guardian if you need to.

11.) Ask how you can help. There are always a million and one things to do around a barn and if you can help management in any way, you will help them focus on more complicated tasks and their lessons.

My daughter helping top-off water buckets and getting a chat in with one of the residents

TIP: I have never been told there is NOTHING to do at the barn! I also feel that it is important for the kiddos to #pitchin and do what they can to learn, earn, and be part of the process. My daughter learns a lot helping out and earns the privilege of owning her pony as best she can by doing chores and ASKING to help.

What can you add to this list? What are you doing at YOUR barn to #pitchin? Let us know!

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