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Are you buying a pony in 2023?

Casually looking?

Putting feelers out?



Are you thinking of buying a pony in 2023? If so, you’re not alone. The demand for ponies is expected to increase as more people look for an alternative form of transportation and recreation. But with the rising prices of ponies, it can be hard to know when the best time to buy one is. In this post, we will discuss what to consider before purchasing a pony in 2023 and explore the best time to buy one. We'll also cover recent trends in pricing that could help guide your decision-making process. By understanding these factors, you can make sure that you get the most bang for your buck! No pun intended.

When looking to purchase a pony in 2023, the most important factor is timing.

Experts agree that the best time to buy a pony is during the late summer and fall months when demand for ponies typically decreases and prices are lower. Show seasons are winding down, and some kiddos may be hanging up their stirrups! Additionally, some people may be considering the long winter ahead and what it costs to board and take care of a pony...They are VERY expensive pets if your not competing and riding. If you buy at this time of year, one of the advantages, other than price, is that you now have the winter to get to know the pony and train-up for the next season!

My daughter and her pony in the winter, we purchased him green in January...

Alta and Jackson hitting a schooling show in June of that same year!

Another important factor when buying a pony in 2023 are current pricing trends. Prices of ponies have been steadily increasing over the past few years. *shocker* I have talked with people who have paid as much as $70,000 for a show-quality pony, and they thought they got a deal! I have also heard the whispered conversations about the $250,000+ as well. However, this doesn't mean you need to break the bank in order to get your dream pony. With some savvy bargain hunting, it is possible to find quality ponies at more reasonable prices if you look around and compare different sellers, ponies, and align them to what your goals are for you or you child.

The spreadsheet story

I chatted with a woman who set up a spreadsheet to keep track of all the ponies she was considering for her daughter, and she customized it with all the criteria she had worked out including price, temperament, location, breed, etc.

Here is an example of a budgeting template, but you could easily create a similar one with your own criteria for buying!

And the end of the day, after she had looked at between 6 -8 ponies she went to her spreadsheet and tabulated which one check off the most boxes for their needs! I thought that was pretty smart - because you can absolutely make an irrational decision here and you want to be faced with the facts, as best you can.

Do you talk the talk?

Here is someone in search of (ISO) a 16 hand or bigger 4-10 year old horse with good manners, gets on that trailer, and doesn't mind the vet. Not a "hot" ride, "More whoa than go," and starting to jump. Pre-purchase exam (PPE) is a must and budget looks like $10 - 50k for a horse that has been in the show ring and has “chrome.”

Chrome = the horse has many white markings.

You can write whatever you like! I have even seen some parent post, "ISO a unicorn!" While that sounds magical, they just mean a mount that checks all their boxes and is almost too good to be true.

TIP: Want to learn some of these sales terms? Check out our post HERE for a reference list.

While this list certainly isn’t all-encompassing, it provides an excellent start for those confused by the clever terms often used when marketing horses/ponies.

Where is the market going for the rest of 2023?

The market works in waves; winter is busy, spring slows down, and things tick back in the summer. But slowdowns across the economy driven by higher interest rates and economic uncertainty may also be felt in the horse market.

A buying slowdown is predicted. With horse prices higher than many buyers can afford or want to afford, many may wait for the market to drop, which will lead to more middle-tier horses sitting unsold for longer periods.

Think of this way: Top market horses will continue to sell at top dollar because their target demographic isn't really swayed by the fluctuations in the market.

But for the rest of the market, buyers may look for ways to limit their spending and wait out the price spikes and economic uncertainties by leasing rather than buying.

And as always, ponies or horses that are priced well from the start don’t last long and competition can be stiff. Multiple offers over asking price. Selling before the listing is public. Flying off the market sight unseen, based off videos, and buying without a PPE to expedite the process. It goes without saying that high-quality safe ponies will continue to be in demand, as will young horses that show considerable potential.

Where are the good ponies for sale?

Buyers are often looking for the whole package- the unicorn: pretty, safe, well-trained, and with decent performance records. But, consider the purpose of the pony and you may be able to cross some requirements off your list and lower that price tag. Example: Hunters love a good mover. Jumpers want good balance. Amateurs need an easy ride with a reliably good mood.

Some people will tell you Europe is a great market for ponies and horses, but that is not what we are getting at here...We want them here. Around or close enough to visit and try, maybe get delivered for a trial. And where is that? There is no one answer. But what we will say is to try social media, Facebook groups, etc., and farms that list on Facebook. And never go it alone! Ask your trainer or someone with more knowledge in this area - and a vet!

Alta and her "noble steed," Action Jackson - whom we bought off a video!

Before taking the plunge:

1. Research breeds of ponies and decide which type would be best suited for your purposes.

2. Look into different sellers and compare prices across locations while keeping an eye out for deals or discounts that could save you money.

3. Consider timing and wait for the late summer or fall months when prices may be lower.

4. Check out any local shows you can attend in order to buy a show-quality pony, if that is your goal.

By understanding these key factors and doing your research, you can make sure that you get the best deal on your dream pony in 2023. Good luck! And tell us your story here!

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Hello! 🐴 Just read your post on buying a pony in 2023, and it's incredibly insightful! 🌟 Your tips and considerations are valuable for anyone thinking about bringing a pony into their family. Thanks for sharing your expertise – it's a must-read for prospective pony owners! - Emily from kleurplaat makkelijk

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